The nature of question

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The nature of question

#1 Příspěvek od vkliber »

Yeah, my first English topic ;-)

Yes, if we generally adhere to the fundamental functions of the global value characteristics of the interval unit quantity logical set no identifiable objects, then a real transformation of the system determined by the relationship X - Y negative, right?
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Re: The nature of question

#2 Příspěvek od KPX »

vkliber píše:Yeah, my first English topic ;-)

Yes, if we generally adhere to the fundamental functions of the global value characteristics of the interval unit quantity logical set no identifiable objects, then a real transformation of the system determined by the relationship X - Y negative, right?
You got that one right! 33ggg

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Re: The nature of question

#3 Příspěvek od denartha »



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