As since the Year 2009 , we want to build the CHARITY TEAM again !
I write to tell you that this year`s CHARITY CONTEST will crunch for RNA World .
The CHARITY CONTEST is a Joint Venture between Team L´Alliance Francophone and Team SETI.Germany , but the CHARITY TEAM , who will be founded a few days before the Contest Starts, by the Admins of L`AF and SG , runs on its own, so the credits archieved will only go to the CHARITY TEAM ACCOUNT .
We invite you to Crunch with us for 2 weeks together as the Temporary CHARITY TEAM !
The 4. CHARITY TEAM RACE is from :
SO 15/01/2012 at 00.01 h - SA 28/01/2012 at 23.59 h MEZ TIME
SA 14/01/2012 at 23.01 h - SA 28/01/2012 at 22.59 h UTC TIME
To see what that means to your Timezone, look at : http://www.zeitzonen.de/
The Forum of CHARITY TEAM you found here : http://forum.charity.boinc-af.org/

The Idea behind the CHARITY CONTEST is just to bring BOINC Users as much as possible together, to crunch for a Medical/Biological Projekt as a Temporary Team.